Harvest Scientific Services has extensive experience in the preparation of a number of environmental assessment documentary tools including Environmental Impact Statements (EIS's), Review of Environmental Factors (REF's) and Environmental Management Plans (EMP's) to name a few. These tools provide background to each proposed development in the context of its historic and proposed use. In addition, they provide appropriate management protocols for any environmental issue arising from a proposed development after approval has been granted.
These assessment tools are generally governed by the following criteria:
- A description of the site and historic land use
- A risk analysis of activities associated with the propsed development
- An assessment of potential impacts
- A description of all proposed activities on the development site in the form of Facility Operating Procedures (FOP’s) and Environmental Control Protocols (ECP’s)
- An environmental monitoring program where a number of important environmental performance indicators are recorded and documented in a series of Environmental Monitoring Manuals (EMM’s)
- An evaluation and review of monitoring data
- A reporting regime including the maintenance of a complaints register
In general terms, the content and scope of these tools will broadly follow the guidelines outlined in guidelines issued by the NSW Department of Public Works and Services which in turn are based on the international standard ISO 14000. Developers are encouraged to develop a site specific Environmental Policy which commits itself to carrying out its activities in the most environmentally effective manner possible. This policy is developed for the benefit of all relevant stakeholders.
The Firm’s experience with these environmental tools ranges from residential subdivisons, composting operations through to quarry and mine developments, a number of which are outlined below.
Environmental Assessments completed:
- 1989: Cluff Resources Pacific Limited – EIS. Assistant to Project Co-ordinator. John Fardy base-metal (Cu-Pb-Zn) mine. Peelwood.
- 1992: Nepean Quarries Pty Ltd – EIS. Major sand extraction project focused on site owned by Prospect Electricity. Included resource, technical and planning assessment. Elderslie – NSW. Also Statement of Effects. Complete permitting procedures for Werombi Soil Pit to comply with Wollondilly Shire conditions. Access road design. Picton – NSW.
- 1993: Wollondilly Quarries Pty Ltd – EIS. Extension of sandstone quarrying operations. Buxton – NSW.
- 1995: JE Burke – EIS. Shale and clay pit, Appin.
- 1995: Woodgrand Pty Ltd – EIS. Bank soil extraction on Nepean River near Elderslie. Very sensitive project requireing extensive community liaison. Camden.
- 1995: Refractory Holdings Pty Ltd – EIS. Clay extraction. Appin.
- 1996: Salmi Pty Ltd – EIS. Extraction of sandstone. Ebenezer.
- 1997: Woodgrand Pty Ltd – EIS. Greewaste Composting Operation. Elderslie
- 2000: Nepean Quarries Pty Ltd – EIS. Sand extraction at Elderslie.
- 2001: Waringah Gravel and Stone Supplies Pty Ltd – EIS. Recycling of Construction & Demolition Wastes – Belrose Quarry.
- 2002: Nepean Quarries Pty Ltd and TJ & RF Fordham – EIS. Extension to Mt Hunter Sandstone Quarry.
- 2002: Sydney Gas Company – EIS. Construction of a gas well drilling program, the associated gathering system and treatment plant. Highly sensitive project located in the Cawdor Valley near Camden.
- 2003: Nepean Quarries Pty Ltd – EIS. Sand Extraction. Spring Farm.
- 2003: Nepean Quarries Pty Ltd – EIS. Sandstone extraction for Wisemans Ferry Road, Cattai.
- 2004-6: Benedict Reclamations – EIS. Recycling of Construction & Demolition Wastes and Cogeneration Plant within a factory setting – Riverside Road, Chipping Norton.
- 2008-9: Landcom-EIS. Sand and soil extraction. Menangle.
- 2012: Rutila Resources – REF. Proposed Drilling Program, Mayfield NSW.
(EIS = Environmental Impact Statement, REF = Review of Environmental Factors)